Design Fees

Building Design Fees:

Building Design fees are closely tied to the three stages of the Design Process. Namely:

  1. Schematic Design
  2. Design Development
  3. Construction Documentation

The design process begins with a discussions of your design aspirations and an overview of what you can expect. I can also help you with writing your Design Brief, if you haven’t already done so.

It is virtually impossible to specify a design fee without knowing the details of your Design Brief, since all design briefs are unique and depend on your choice of one or more design approaches: Supportive Design, Solar Passive Design, Passivhaus Design, Healthful Design, and design complexities such as those associated with:

  • Homes designed in bushfire prone areas due to specialist design requirements.
  • Home designs for steep sites and/or sites with difficult access.
  • Renovations and alterations projects due to the need to model the existing property in addition to designing the renovations and alterations.
  • Your choice of finishes, appliances and other building features and components.

Progress Payments:

A fee schedule will be presented with the the Scope of Works for the design project that will be based on your Design Brief. Design work can begin when we agree on the Scope of Works and fee schedule and we both sign our design contract.

Design Variations:

Once you settle on your preferred design option, any further variations will incur additional fees, the amount of which depends on a number of factors including:

  • time spent,
  • design drawings and additional information collected,
  • meetings and discussions with you, specialist consultants, your local Council, legal authorities, and/or other interested parties

Travel fees:

I prefer to conduct our meetings online to cut down on unnecessary travel and to stay Covid safe. Additional advantages include the ability to show you the design model online and possibly edit it as we speak.

Travel fees may apply.

Following the completion of the Design Process, there are two additional stages that I may be able to help you. These are Builder Selection and Contract Administration.

Contact Kind Building Design

We hope you found this information useful. If you require any additional information please contact us.

© 2021 Wafaa Khalil

By Waf

Master of Architecture. Certified Passivhaus Designer.