Design Journey for Meeting Your Aspirations

Design Journey:

Please click on the following tabs for information on each of the three design stages and our design fees:

Stage 1 – Schematic Design Stage:

This design stage is the first design stage of our Design Process. It starts with Pre-Design, for informing the production of your three Schematic Design options, and ends with your approval of proceeding to Design Development.

Learn about Pre-Design.

Learn about what we do during Pre-Design.

Learn about Schematic Design Options.

Learn about what we do in producing your Schematic Design Options

Learn about what you will need to approve before progressing to Design Development.

Stage 2 – Design Development:

Design Development begins after the completion of the Schematic Design stage and ends with your approval to proceed to the Construction Documentation stage.

Learn about Design Development

Learn about what we do in producing the developed design of your preferred schematic design option

Learn about what you will need to approve before progressing to Construction Documentation.

Stage 3 – Construction Documentation:

The Construction Documentation stage commences after the completion of Design Development and finishes with the production of the application for the Certificate of Likely Compliance to give to your Building Surveyor.

Learn about the purpose of Construction Documentation.

Learn about what we do during Construction Documentation.

Learn about what you need to approve before Builder selection and Contract Administration.

Please see our post Things to Note Before Our First Meeting for information on what you need to give us during or before our first meeting, and information on services that we do not provide.

Contact Kind Building Design

To start your building design process with us please contact us.

© 2021 Wafaa Khalil

By Waf

Master of Architecture. Certified Passivhaus Designer.