How Kind Can Your Building Project Be?

Kind Building Design Options

Ultimately we aim to help you create a building project that is kind to you and, perhaps also, kind to our shared world at large.

In addition to your unique needs and aspirations, creating a Kind Building Design involves incorporating one or more of the following design options into your project:

Supportive Design

A Supportive Design will give you a building that supports you, your family, your friends, and/or your clients, when you most need that support. Click here to find out more about Supportive Design.

Energy Efficient Design

Energy Efficiency sits on a broad continuum. Solar Passive Design and Passivhaus Design, together with a judicious  selection of energy efficient appliances, building materials, renewable energy sources, and construction methods enable energy efficiency in buildings.

– Solar Passive Design

A Solar Passive Design will give you a building that makes the most of the sun’s energy to keep you warm in Winter and cool in Summer. Click here to find out more about Solar Passive Design.

– Passivhaus Design

A Passivhaus Design will give you a building that is the ultimate in thermal comfort and efficiency. Click here to find out more about Passivhaus Design.

Healthful Design

A Healthful Design will give you a building that helps you maintain your physical health and mental wellbeing. Click here to find out more about Healthful Design.

You can incorporate any combination of the above design options into your building project depending on your specific situation and just how kind you want your building project to be, towards you and towards the world at large. Whatever you decide, you will need to put it into your Design Brief.

Your Design Journey

Once you have worked out your building Design Budget and Design Brief we can get on with your Building Design towards meeting your building aspirations.

Contact Kind Building Design

Please contact us if you wish to discuss any or all of these design options with us. We hope you will allow us the opportunity to help you realize your design aspirations.

© 2021 Wafaa Khalil

By Waf

Master of Architecture. Certified Passivhaus Designer.