On Writing Your Design Brief

Your Design Brief:

Design Brief

When you engage us in designing your new building or renovations and alterations project, it is important that we develop a comprehensive Design Brief, with you, that is achievable and affordable before we can commence any design work. It will tell us about your project design needs and aspirations. Thus forming the basis upon which your building project will evolve during our Design Process. This will help ensure that your building project, once built, will most likely be kind to you because it will be tailored to meet your specific design requirements.

Learn about your Starting Design Brief

In preparation for our first complimentary consultation, please take a look at our posts: Things to Note Before our First Meeting, Your Building Project Budget, and Copyright for New Homes and Renovations.

Design Brief Guides:

When writing your Design Brief try to make it as comprehensive as possible to help us design something that is tailored to your needs. Try to include not just the number and sizes of rooms, but also the expected day-to-day activities, give us information about who will be using the spaces and their special needs, the preferred ambience of the spaces, how they feel and look. Tell us about your pets and hobbies, any preferred technology and kind design options that you want included (supportive accessible, efficient and healthy house designs). Tell us how you want the house to appear from the street and any outdoor entertainment areas. Also, try to prioritize your needs, which is particularly important in managing your budget.

You are welcome to download any of the Design Brief Forms/Guides to assist you in writing your Design Brief.

Contact Kind Building Design

We hope you found this information useful. If you require any additional information or assistance please contact us.

© 2021 Wafaa Khalil

By Waf

Master of Architecture. Certified Passivhaus Designer.