Building Designers’ Copyright

Copyright law, as set out in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). It dictates what we can and can not copy when designing your new home or renovations project.

The Uniqueness of Your Design Project:

Our original design for your building project emerges from our Design Process that is driven by your Design Brief. We synthesis a large amount of information including your unique requirements together with the Building Codes and Standards, local Laws, your site properties, your local climate, your neighborhood, available building materials and components, and of course your Budget.

This design will tend to be inspired by the inherent properties of your site and your building project aspirations, together with your ideas and ideas of other designers and consultants, and other notable works of architecture that may be historical and/or more contemporary.

By respecting Building Designers’ copyright, not only will you end up with a kind building project that meets your design aspirations but you will be kind towards Building Designers and help make our world a better place.

Learn about how copyright law may affect your building project.

Additional Information:

Additional information concerning house plans and copyright law can be found in the information sheet: Australian Copyright Council Information Sheet

Contact Kind Building Design

We hope you found this information useful. If you require any additional information please contact us.

© 2021 Wafaa Khalil

By Waf

Master of Architecture. Certified Passivhaus Designer.