Things to Note Before Our First Meeting

Things to note before contacting us:

Before we can begin our Building Design Process we need to have your Design Brief, which we can help you with. We also need to have:

  • A site survey of your building site,
  • An indication of your Project Budget,
  • Your Certificate of Title to your property, including warranty of ownership and any covenants / caveats / easements etc.

Your Land for a New Build: For new building projects, our services begin after you have purchased your land.

BAL levels: We do not design buildings that are in the Flame Zone or in BAL 40.

Copying other Designers’ Drawings: Although we welcome the opportunity to look at building designs that appeal to you, since they can provide an indication of your preferences, we will not copy other designers’ work (including project homes) for you to build.

  • If we copy another designer’s work it would violate the designer’s copyright and the design will most likely not be tailored to meet your needs and aspirations, and/or take the unique opportunities and constraints of your site into account.

Building Cost Estimates: Your building cost estimates are part of your Budget and should be regularly updated during the Building Design Process. We do not provide cost estimates for your building project, but we will help you obtain them through a Quantity Surveyor or through your preferred Builder.

Our Building Design License: Kind Building Design is licensed to produce Design and Documentation of:

Class 1 or 10 buildings; with no restrictions on size or height,

Class 2-9 buildings of up to a maximum of two storeys in height; or a maximum floor area of 2000 square meters.

Learn about the Building Codes of Australia (BCA) Classes of Buildings

Insurance: Kind Building Design has Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public liability Insurance, for Building Design, Site Visits, and Contract Administration.

Contact Kind Building Design

We hope you found this information useful. If you require any additional information please contact us.

© 2021 Wafaa Khalil

By Waf

Master of Architecture. Certified Passivhaus Designer.