Constructing your Kind Building Project

Your Construction Journey Following approval of your Building Design and receiving your Building Permit by your local authority, we can assist you in finding a suitable Builder and with Administering your Contract. At the completion of the construction process we hope you will be fully satisfied with your completed Kind Building Project that meets your… Continue reading Constructing your Kind Building Project

Designing Your Kind Building Project

Our Design Process involves a number of design stages, specialist consultants, and your signed approval at the start and completion of each design stage.

How Kind Can Your Building Project Be?

Our question to you is: How kind can your building project be? Ultimately we aim to help you create a building project that is kind to you and perhaps, also, kind to our shared world at large.

Preparing for your Building Project

Getting Started In preparation for embarking on your Building Design journey, you will need to: work out your Project Budget, start writing your Starting Design Brief, which we can help you finetune, know about Building Designers’ copyright and how it may affect your project, find out about a number of Things to Note Before Contacting… Continue reading Preparing for your Building Project

Administering Your Building Contract

Contract administration helps you make sure that the new build or renovations project is constructed in accordance with the terms of your contract with your builder.

Design Journey for Meeting Your Aspirations

The Building Design process involves 3 design stages: Schematic design, Design Development, and Construction Documentation, at the end of which you can start building.

Healthy House for Your Well Being

A home that is free from condensation and mold, harmful internal air pollutants and irritants, pests, and noise is kind to you because it promotes your physical health and mental well being.

Passive House: The Ultimate in Efficiency & Comfort.

When your home is a Passivhaus, it is exceptionally kind towards you and the natural environment by ensuring your thermal comfort at minimal energy cost, while delivering clean air in a well built home.

Passive Solar Design Makes the Most of Our Sun’s Energy

A kind home regulates how much solar radiation enters your home to help keep you thermally comfortable. Such a home is sometimes called Solar Passive.

Supportive Accessible House Design for Your Safety

When your new or renovated home design is tailored to meet your needs now and can be modified easily in the future, then your home is kind to you because it can support you now and when your needs change.

On Writing Your Design Brief

It is vitally important to develop a comprehensive Starting Design Brief for every building design, which will evolve and change as the design progresses. Any changes are best made with your on going active involvement and approval.